Friday, April 30, 2010

Girl Advice?

Hi. I need help ive been crushing on this girl for 3 years, and i want to go out with her. How would I approach her. I also think she might like me but i'm not exactly sure. she has waved to me a couple times. She had another boyfriend 2 years ago but he moved... her ex and I are completely different. Thanks for taking the time to help

~JohnGirl Advice?
easy. ok, start talkin to her. when she waves at you wave at her at walk up to her casually. doesnt amtte rif you and her ex are different, youre you and he's him. act confident, becuase thats what girls go far. guys who make her feel like without him, her life's incomplete. be sweet and confident, just dont over do it. make her feel special, i mean tahts what girls want. flirt. when you start talkin nad flirting with her out of the blue, she'll know you like her, and if you make her feel good, she'll like you back. girls are really obvious when it comes to who they like. so when you feel comfortable enoguh with her, ask he rout. im sure itll work, good luck!Girl Advice?
Just go make a converstaion with her.

talk to her and try to make her laugh or smile

talk to her about anything really .. if she likes you she will keep the conversation goin. if she does keep the converstaion going pull out your cellphone pretend you got a text and type to someone.. etc right and since you have your cellphone in your hand mise well ask her if she has a cell phone and get her number =) text her and ask her wut shes doing this weekend :D

make your move. say hi. make conversation. smile. ask about school or anything you know she's interested in. its not that hard. be nice. don't be boring. since you've liked her for 3 years you should know her or at least her likes and dislikes. after you start talking to her more you can get her number or go from there
since you've been crushin on her for such a long time, i think it's time for you to ask her out
Just ask her if she'd like to hangout with you, if she says yes... then you're in!

If she stammers, then be like ';purely as friends! nothing else';

you've got nothing to lose, and everything to gain.

I would say if she waves to you.. then its not awkward if you approach her.. i would say def. go up to her and just ask her if she wnats to have dinner. Just make it casual and if she has fun.. maybe you will get another shot with her :)

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