I'm having a get-together-party-thing tomorrow at my house, and the girl I really like is going to be there. Any advice on how to approach her would be great...There are gonna be around 10 people, all from my college group in a relaxed environment(you know without the screaming, overdrinking, and other house destroying activities). I guess I wasn't detailed enough last time...the party is going to be centraled in one room(mine) because that's the only place with music...the main problem is privacy and my shyness in these situations.
P.S. I promise this is the last time I'll ask this tonight :)Girl advice, 3rd and final mark?
Is it one of those where everyone just talks together? It'll be kinda impossible to just talk to the girl you like by herself then... that might not be a huge problem though. Start a conversation about something that applies to everyone - classes maybe? If she starts complaining about a certain class, offer to study with her in the local coffee shop. You can even start up a conversation about the weather. If it's really nice outside, maybe suggest taking a walk or playing frisbee in the park. As long as you keep it casual, it shouldn't be too awkward, even with everyone else listening.
As for your shyness, that's just something you'll need to get over. You're the host! You're like the center of the party. Tell yourself that you're the star of the show (at least for tonight), and she wouldn't have come to the party if she didn't want to see you. Self-esteem is the key :)Girl advice, 3rd and final mark?
ok. what you need to do about the shyness thing is simple. just tell yourself that you're going to be fine. over and over again, all throughout the week.
now, to approach her, just walk up and say, ';hi, what's up.'; ask her if she wants some refreshments. ask her to dance. if she says no, DO NOT WORRY. worry is one of the main reasons people get shy. if she says no, it doesnt always mean tht she doesnt like you. most the time, it means that she's shy herself, or she just wants to get to know you better. (sometimes, it even means that she can't dance) but just hold your head high and be confident. girls LOVE confidence. some girls, like myself, LOVE shy guys, like my boyfriend.
if it doesnt work out, she wasnt worth your time. if she's rude and doesnt appriciate the fact that you invited her over your place, then SCREW HER. (not literally, of course. lol, just kidding.)
bu really, follow my advice, and if she's MS. RIGHT, then things between you will just start flowing. if not, then remember, she wasn't worth it.
I would say if there is going to be drinks go up to her and ask her what she would like. Then if there is going to be alcoholic drinks you can start a drinking card game or something, and sit by her, that usually gets people talking. When its just dancing thats when it can become uncomfortable. Then once you guys are done playing the games turn the music on, and see if she starts dancing, and then go behind her and start dancing. If she doesn't want to dance with you then she'll walk away, and all you have to do is be like maybe next time. Sometimes girls just don't feel like dancing. But before the dancing try to make good convo with her, ask her how her week went, or day, or how she is doing in school if you don't have any classes together, if you do have classes together ask about how you think about the teacher if he is good or not. Just simple things like that, i would really appreciate when i guy would ask me.
Just talk to her. It will help! :] good luck
just ask her how she is enjoying the party. that should get a conversation started
oh and i know what it's like to ask a q repeatidly
ok just be cool bout it because if she knows that you like her then she will tease you and just play it cool
Either, chill out and have fun, talk and listen and enjoy yourself and see what happens.....
Wait till she gets drunk then make your move and nail her.
lol.just go up to her relaxed and normal.get a conversation started.ask to hang out oneday like go to starbucks. stay cool and relax i am sure you are a wonderful guy .you will do fine. have fun:)
The most important thing you need to do while talking to her is be yourself. And when you approach her, just start off with some simple like, hey hows it going and then you can talk about other things like school what you guys are doing over spring break stuff like that.
Ask her to dance. Strike up a conversation with her about something you both have in common (her friends can fill you in on that). How about asking her to a movie or ask a few friends to go with you (group of 3-5 or less). Does she like flowers. What kind of foods does she like. There are many ways to get a women attention my friend. The Best is just Be Yourself. Girls like guys who are real. You may be surprised to find out she likes you too. So, take a deep breath and don't get nervous. Let that charm and intellect of your be the light to her heart. Have a wonderful time.
just go and like sit by her, and hopefully she'll start the conversation, then go on from there..just play it cool.
Just talk to her. Ask her how her day was, how the weather sucks / pretty where you live, if you want ask her to go for a walk. Just you two. Go around the block or something.
Just wander up and say something. Anything. Even if it turns out to be awkward, unless she is a complete and total *****, she will a) be as nervous as you, b) try to keep a conversation going, and c) I don't know what to put here.
well wait until shes rly drunk and then go for it
OK, well, not getting overly drunk would be a good thing, because being extremely drunk is a big turn off (gee.. what a shock... :P ) Also, you may want to start talking to her when you are in a group of people. if she goes to college ask her about her subjects and how she is going with them and why she chose them. It'll get her talking. just be relaxed! try not to be nervous. you may want to ask one of her friends what she is interested it so you can ask her about that too. girls love talking about themselves. so ask her alot of questions and be genuinely interested in them. and listen to what she says. if she says she is going to do something (for example, um, visiting family), remember it and when you see her after it happens, ask her how it went!! its a definite plus for you if you remember stuff about her. especially stuff she has just mentioned in passing. it means that you are paying attention to her and that you are interested.
oh, and try not to make too big of a move, like go all the way. it means you are trying to respect her.
good luck!!
hmmm if its a small get together, when you are in the room, try to sit next to her, then strike up a small conversation about somthing. etc what kind of music do you like? or do you like the band ___?
or do u like the music etc, are all good starters because you can't really go wrong with music, if you both like the same band yay and if not you have somthing to talk about.
don't be afraid that she'll think you lame or etc girls really don't think like that. if you're nice and respectful - but not to respectful ;) then it'll all go down great.
have fun! just go with the flow : )
Good Luck :-D
try starting a conversation you know she knows something about or start talking about something she is really interested in. Try to find common ground among you two, then all will fall into place once ya'll start talking
i love when i guy i first meet looks me in the eyes, and smiles a lot. (tip smiling is a big plus) when he walks over to talk to me hes not shy.. open up. ask me anything. simple is fine ex how was your day? then go on from there. be funny:laugh, smart and act like their is nothing else in the world at that moment except her. .. i positive that will work. :] remember dont be shyy
just get over yourself and talk to her,if she makes a fool of you then she is not worth and doesnt kno what she is missing
relax! offer her a drink, find an excuse to talk to her, sit next to her, or just be confident and walk up and start talking with something like ';what's up'; or ';how's it going'; or ';how's your evening been';, stuff like that. if she likes you, she will want to talk to you unless she's really shy in which case you will be able to tell, she'll just be smiling, blushing, and flustered in what she's saying. if she's not interested, she'll ignore you but who cares! if she's not interested there's no point in worrying about what you say cause it's not gonna happen. if she IS interested, she won't care what you say she'll just be happy you are talking and having a good time. girls are ALWAYS flattered when a guy shows that he likes them and wants to talk and spend time with them. good luck! :)
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
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