Friday, January 8, 2010

Need girl advice please!!?

Ok to start of I'm 13 turning 14 and still a Virgin but no period for 5 months!! I eat right but have gained 20 pounds in3 months almost like I am just so bloated. Then around the time I am suppose to have my period I still get bad cramps but no period. I also have no mom and I don't want to talk to my dad about this. I also pee out blood!! I know this is not my period because I get no blood in my under pants. I know my body parts really well around my ovaries in that area I get sharp pains!! They only last a few minutes or so. The pain come when ever. What can me wrong? I am not sure if this is related but I get really dizzy and black out. But only 1 or 2 times. What is wrong with me. Is this normal?Need girl advice please!!?
Sounds just like endometriosis. I have it, and your symptoms sound like what I have. I will post a link to a web site about this disease and I want you to check it out and if it makes sense to you , then you need to go see a Doctor soon very soon, and you will have to let your dad know, or if you have an aunt that you can talk to. This isn't a sexually transmitted disease. So don't worry.Need girl advice please!!?
ur fine (probably, lol)

ur period will be irregular for the first few years u have it. so dont worry

why is it irregular? your period is new to ur body and it needs to regulate itself to it.
You should urgently get an appointment with the docto. This sounds serious.
that is deff. not normal! u need to go to the doctor and get that checked out! there could be something seriously wrong!
Don't play around; go to the hospital now. If you don't have a ride call 911. It's better to be safe then die.
you need to go to the doctor. NOW!
It's not normal, no, but you don'tt have cancer or anything. You have what is called an ';unperforated hymen'; i went through the same thing when i was 12 and i was scared to death. eventually the pain got bad enough that i told my mom about it, and she found what it was in our medical dictionary. Basically your hymen (aka like your cherry or whatever) is supposed to have microscopic holes in it, so that when you get your period the blood will flow out of you, yoursdoesn'tt have any holes, so the bloating and the cramping is your period, you justhaven'tt been able to get the blood out so it's hurting really really bad. Don't just let this go, you really need to go see an OB GYN. if youdon'tt want to talk to your dad about this then you need to tell an aunt or the school nurse, somebody. Set up a doctors appointment as soon as you can, honey, because it will only get worse. if you let this go with out seeing a doctor you could get TSS (aka toxic shocksyndromem, which is not good.)

Just please go see an OBGYN. it's ok to be scared. i was so nervous when i had to go through this. just ask someone close to you to go with you, butdon'tt worry as soon as you go inthey'lll help you (and trust me, what you are going through is way way worse than a normal period. compared to what it is now, periods will be easy as pie.)

The doctor will have to inspect you, to confirm the diagnosis, and if it is infact an imperferated hymen, theyll put you down to have a minor surgery where they make a small insizion to your hymen in order to let the blood flow out of you, which will get rid of all that painful cramping and bloating.

if you have any questions check out the websites i posted, good luck honey.


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